Progressing from Lat Pulldown to Chin Ups
Starting Strength Coach Robert Santana describes his method for getting lifters to their first chin up using a lat pulldown machine.
Starting Strength Coach Robert Santana describes his method for getting lifters to their first chin up using a lat pulldown machine.
Starting Strength Coach and Registered Dietitian Robert Santana discusses fat to round out the series on macronutrient basics. Recorded at the Nutrition and Rehab Camp [...]
Rip and Grant Broggi help a brother in need by offering critical life advice on Robert Santana's hair and its effect on his business.
Starting Strength Coach and Registered Dietician Robert Santana gives a comprehensive presentation on carbohydrates during the Nutrition and Rehab Camp held at the Wichita Falls [...]
Starting Strength Coach and Registered Dietitian Robert Santana gives a comprehensive presentation on protein during the Nutrition and Rehab Camp held at WFAC in October [...]
In this episode, Robert and Dr Johnathan Sullivan address the relative impact of lifestyle and metformin on progression to Type 2 Diabetes, a comparison of [...]
Mark Rippetoe and Robert Santana, RD, SSC, discuss aesthetics, training, and nutrition.
Starting Strength Coach and Registered Dietitian Robert Santana explains muscle protein synthesis and why consistent training rather than the type of protein you consume is [...]
Registered Dietitian and Starting Strength Coach Robert Santana discusses the prioritization of weight gain for underweight males.
Robert Santana, dietitian, Starting Strength Coach, and gym owner, on what you need to do to put on muscle.