Progressing from Lat Pulldown to Chin Ups
Starting Strength Coach Robert Santana describes his method for getting lifters to their first chin up using a lat pulldown machine.
Starting Strength Coach Robert Santana describes his method for getting lifters to their first chin up using a lat pulldown machine.
By Robert Santana MS, RD, SSC Carbohydrates are perhaps the most misunderstood macronutrient. If I had to be a macronutrient, I’d probably be a carbohydrate. [...]
Starting Strength Coach and Registered Dietitian Robert Santana discusses fat to round out the series on macronutrient basics. Recorded at the Nutrition and Rehab Camp [...]
When I was 20 years old a friend of mine was concerned about “being fat” because his abs were not visible at a bodyweight of [...]
Rip and Grant Broggi help a brother in need by offering critical life advice on Robert Santana's hair and its effect on his business.
One of the most common concerns shared by clients is aesthetics. “Coach, I want to get strong, but I want to lose my belly.” The [...]
By Robert Santana MS, RD, SSC & Mark Rippetoe In my previous article, I noted that perceived difficulty is the most common reason for an [...]
Starting Strength Coach and Registered Dietitian Robert Santana explains muscle protein synthesis and why consistent training rather than the type of protein you consume is [...]
The importance of the deadlift cannot be overstated. The deadlift is the most functional barbell exercise we perform because no activity is more common than [...]
Registered Dietitian and Starting Strength Coach Robert Santana discusses the prioritization of weight gain for underweight males.